Last year, just before lockdown a few of us met to share a meal and some open ended thinking. We dreamed of a new termly event called “Space to Reconnect” in which we might share stories about one of our Way of Life sentences, as a way of enabling any community member to shape our community.
This term our meet up is this Sunday 31st January, 4pm via Zoom .
The theme for this event and our whole term is shaped by this sentence…
“We will seek to live lives that grow in worship and prayer”
Recognising that we are a diverse community, each at different places on a spiritual journey; this theme invites all of us to take time to care for our body, mind and soul and one another as we live through this strange time. For some of us this includes seeking times of connection with God.
With that in mind…the invitation, as always is for all of us to offer input into how we live this out.
Here are a few ideas to get us started, based around our 5 core values…

Hospitality – Lucy B and Colin A are hosting a monthly evening chill and chat on zoom about stories and songs of hope – a sort of virtual fire pit.

Discipleship – 1st Mon eve of the month quiet prayer is a special time to listen and connect with God without the distraction of words. 2nd and 4th Monday morning 8am prayer times will focus on the Beatitudes this term, as will our second Sunday of the month Bible passage and zoom call. The fresh team help us to reconnect our human relationship with God as part of the whole of creation.

Community – You are invited to post the apps/groups/events or other ideas which have fed your body, mind and soul. Some people shared ideas for prayer apps over the last year which were deeply encouraging. (Just let someone know if you want to be added to the WhatsApp group)

Incarnation – Social distancing regulations mean that we can only meet up with one person at a time. How about we make these even more special? John O Donohue said this “One of the tasks of true friendships is to listen compassionately and creatively to the hidden silences”. What might emerge if we offered one another times of deep listening in our walks? You might like to explore the idea of Anam Cara

Participation – Do you have another idea to share for how we might care for our bodies, minds and souls? Just post it up, or talk to one another, and we can work together to create it or share it through WhatsApp and Facebook for others to join in.
“A Missional community with a welcome for anyone as we seek to discover the way of Jesus and build the kingdom of God”.