Sunday 14th March

This Sunday we will be looking at the next two Beatitudes…

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy – Matthew 5 verse 7

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God – Matthew 5 verse 8

Click here to read the verses in the bible.

What does mercy look like to you?;  think of a time when you’ve been aware of receiving mercy.

How can we become more merciful in our attitudes?

You might want to re-read the parable of The Unmerciful Servant in Matthew 18:21-35. Click here to read.

What does ‘pure in heart’ mean?
The Message version is helpful….. “You’re blessed when you get your inside world –  your mind and heart –  put right.  Then you see God in the outside world”. Click here to read from the Message.

Looking at Matthew 7:3 (sawdust and plank) reminds us that being judgmental causes spiritual blindness – and so it looks as though this is a link with the 2 beatitudes. Click here to read Matthew 7:3

Instead of imagining that being pure in heart will give us wonderful visions of God, maybe just becoming less judgmental will allow us to see, like Jesus, what the Father’s doing.
Does this ring true for you?

The invitation is to hear God rejoicing over us with singing.
Singing his love over us, over those we love, and those we find difficult to love.

Here’s a link to a ‘tune’ which may be helpful

Lullaby Love – Roo Panes

Click here to listen on Spotify

Click here to listen on YouTube

A prayer/poem by July Dinnen

Our Wonderful, Terrible World

We're drawing to the end of a year...

I look back in bewilderment and astonishment
at events that are personal
and those that are global

How do we keep a sense of perspective Lord
in this complex, wonderful, terrible world?

How do we mix our questions and our praise,
our precautions and our risks?

Lord help us to see you in all things
and strive for your perspective of love.