This week we will be looking at the next two Beatitudes…
Blessed are the meek – Matthew 5 verse 5
Blessed are those who hunger for righteousness – Matthew 5 verse 6
Click here to read the verses in the Bible
The two beatitudes we are looking at this week seem to me to be deeply interconnected. The phrase ‘ the meek will inherit the earth ” has always puzzled me, but then Jesus’ invitation to “take my yoke” reminds me he says he is meek and gentle. Perhaps learning to be yoked to Jesus opens up both these blessings. Keep digging, I’m sure there are wonderful insights for all.
It may feel like ‘meek’ means weak, but in fact it is exactly the opposite. Meekness is a quality of holding power in a gentle, self-emptying, equitable and collaborative way. Jesus chooses to exercise the incredible power he held by washing his disciples feet and eventually submitting to a form of death, usually reserved for criminals.
It is also, as CS Lewis once described it, not thinking any less of ourselves, but instead thinking of ourselves less. Or as the message translation puts it “You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought”.
We might like to ask ourselves
- What practices enable us to accept ourselves just as we are, with no judgment?
- What practices enable us to lay down our own egos and use the power that we have in an equitable and collaborative way?
- Can you see a link between the Beatitudes?
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God of grace
You are here in our gathering, and you are here in our community. The mission here is yours,
the healing of all things is your work, and your delight.
Help us to discern your presence,
and in our actions to be both humble and faithful, meek and bold, And so, in Jesus’ name,
may your kingdom come,
and your will be done.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God of grace
In this place, hidden or for all to see –
there is much need – and there is much to celebrate. Give us, we pray, ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’.
With all those who suffer
may we hunger and thirst for righteousness.
With all those who celebrate
may we find you and point to you, the source of all joy. And so, in Jesus’ name,
may your kingdom come,
and your will be done.