We will seek to live lives that grow in worship and prayer…..
Below is a snap shot of the discussion. As much as possible, peoples own words are used. The stories, thoughts, feelings and ideas are those of the individuals who joined in on the chat and paint a really helpful picture of what is going on within Reconnect.
Just a note to say that, it was important that we listened and recorded all these comments, but they do not necessarily represent the views of everyone and should not be read as such. We hope they are thought provoking and encouraging.
How are we getting on with this ‘way of life’?
- Lockdown has been a hard time to practice prayer and worship because many of our normal rhythms and patterns of gathering have been disrupted.
- Sometimes it can be hard to sense God’s presence.
- A number of people talked about how hard they find it to be physically still and quiet in prayer and that various things can help us to connect with God:
- Being active – walking, running, swimming
- Listening to music
- Doing an activity that helps to deal with distractions
- Prayer can be described as an attentiveness to God in all things. What things could we practice that might help with this? (There will be some ideas explored through lent)
- God wants to live ‘with’ us and so things that help to remind us of this can be helpful. This could include regularly asking the question “what is God leading me to?” and remembering to include all aspects of our lives as we look to see God at work.
- When we emotionally connect with others in their times of pain or joy, it can take us naturally to a place of prayer that can be quite an intense experience. When we are ‘with’ others in prayer it can express itself in a variety of ways.
- Lament was mentioned a number of times. What things do we find hard or upsetting? What things do those around us find hard or upsetting? Bringing these things before God can be important, helpful and even releasing / joyful.
- Worship and pray can start with honesty, dying to oneself and re-centring ourselves on God. Can we then make God the object of our gaze?
- Reading about different spiritual ideas and practices can help to expand our own thinking and help us move beyond our current struggles.
- Sometimes, to rest in God’s presence and just listen to music – letting it wash over us – can help us to re-set and find peace and perspective.
- Sometimes our most striking worship and prayer experiences can happen in a surprising and unexpected way.
The next time we take “Space to Reconnect” will be in the spring – All Welcome